297 research outputs found

    The construction of knowledge-based economies versus knowledge societies: The cases of Germany and Singapore

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    In the past decades, terms such as knowledge-based economy (KBE)\u27, and \u27information/knowledge society\u27 have been adopted by governments worldwide in order to underline their interest in developing their economies and societies further and assure future growth. Many governments used these catchwords as labels for government programs and action plans aiming at economic and social prosperity. This aim of national governments to construct knowledge-based economies, information/knowledge societies, the actions taken and especially the ability or disability to do so, is the topic of this paper. As two cases of comparison act Singapore and Germany. (DIPF/Orig.

    Research and technology policy for a sustainable development. Summary

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    Research and technology policy for a sustainable development. Summary

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    Forschungs- und Technologiepolitik für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung. Zwischenbericht zum TA-Projekt

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    Building community - or why we need on ongoing conference platform for TA

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    As a background for current outlooks towards strengthening the technology assessment (TA) community, Scherz et al. give a historical overview of efforts to establish international fora for communication among professionals and researchers in TA. Against this background, the article conveys experiences from the first two bi-annual TA conferences, arranged in the context of the PACITA project. The authors describe experiences of mutual learning across national boundaries and communicate a renewed understanding of the necessity for supporting TA capacities at the national level through professional community building. Ultimately, Scherz et al. argue that a European TA platform is necessary for establishing a common language for TA and for supporting the spread of TA across borders


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    Перші зародки промислового вуглевидобутку на Півдні Російської імперії (Лисячий Байрак під Лисичанськом) і виробництва металу (м. Луганськ) виник-ли у 90-х роках ХVІІІ с. У наступні десятиліття ці взаємопов’язані галузі розвивалися дуже повільно. А трохи раніше спроба почати видобуток залізної руди і виплавку з неї гарматних ядер на Криворіжжі була невдалою, тому майже на сто років про ці поклади руд забули

    Monitoring "Forschungs- und Technologiepolitik für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung". Sachstandsbericht

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    Ontwikkeling methodologie voor berekening broeikasgaseffecten binnen tuinbouwketens : eindrapport fase II

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    Dit is het eindrapport van fase II van het project 'Ontwikkeling methodologie voor het berekenen van broeikasgaseffecten binnen tuinbouwketens.' Het primaire doel van het project is een systematiek en (demo) tool te ontwikkelen waarmee de Nederlandse teeltsector en handel van tuinbouwproducten broeikasgasemissiescores kunnen berekenen die geschikt zijn voor communicatie met Nederlandse en buitenlandse retail en via de retail naar de consument. Een belangrijke aanleiding voor het ontstaan van dit project is de groeiende druk vanuit de Britse supermarkt sector om van toeleveranciers te eisen dat ze verantwoording af leggen over hun bijdrage aan het mondiaal broeikaseffect